

1.苹果 APPLE
Apple is gearing up for another huge year. It is on the verge of announcing the third generation of its stalwart iPad, no doubt with additional plans to conquer consumer's wallets. Last year was a banner year, despite the passing of the company's iconic founder, Steve Jobs.

In 1911, Big Blue began with the merger of three disparate-seeming businesses to become the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company. Fast forward a century later, the company celebrated its 100th anniversary with record annual profit of $15.9 billion, a 7% year-over-year increase.
1911年,三项看起来风马牛不相及的业务合并诞生了计算-制表-记录公司(Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company),蓝色巨人IBM开始了最早期的发展。时光飞逝,一百年过去了。2011年,IBM迎来了100周岁华诞。这一年,公司的年净利润达到创纪录的159亿美元,同比增长了7%。

3.谷歌 GOOGLE 4.亚马逊 Amazon

As EMC sees it, the number of data sources and amount of actual available data are both expected to grow exponentially: 50 times what they are now over the next decade.

6.Intuit公司 7.奥多比 Adobe (网页上flash的缔造者) 8.赛门铁克 Symantec (这个与杀毒软件与诺顿有关)

9.易趣 eBay
Founded in 1995 as an online auction site for users to sell and buy goods, eBay is now one of the largest global commerce and payments presences. In 2011, it continued to impress earning $3.2 billion in profits on sales of nearly $12 billion, Much of that was driven by PayPal, which the company acquired in 2002. The popular payments service added roughly one million new users each month last year, driving total PayPal payments up 29% overall.

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